Terms & Conditions

 London Falcons Trampoline Club– Membership terms and conditions

1.    Responsibilities of Parents and Children

a.    Every person whom agrees to these terms and conditions by completing our booking/registration forms

This means that:

(1)                if one of those people tells us to do anything in relation to the Membership (including ending it) we will take that as authority from all of them;

(2)                each of those people will be responsible for paying all the appropriate Fees payable

(3)                each of those people will be responsible for paying any extra charges and fees in connection with the Membership or the Child’s participation in a Activity or Activities.

You confirm that the information provided on the Booking Form is accurate and up to date in all respects at the time of booking.

You acknowledge and accept that it is your responsibility to inform us of any special medical or behavioural condition that affects you or your Child.

Neither you nor your Child shall attend any Class whilst suffering from any contagious disease or virus.

Immediately before and after all Activities, you are responsible for the general conduct and care of your Child whilst on the Premises.

We shall have the right to exclude you or your Child either permanently or for such period as we shall consider reasonable if necessary for the safety and well-being of other children or parents.

2. Communications

From time to time we will need to contact you about your Membership, so it is important you let us know if your address, contact phone number or e­mail address changes.


Your Membership will run for the initial period, and will continue indefinitely until you give us notice in writing

You will need to pay a joining fee when you apply for Membership.

4. Membership fees

The Membership fee is due every year and covers the year to come. You must pay the Membership by making one payment each year, unless we agree otherwise.

Our Membership year runs from September to August each year. If you join part way through our Membership year, the Membership fee will be pro­rated.

In addition to our Membership fee, you will have to become a member of British Amateur Gymnastics Association trading as British Gymnastics and London Gymnastics. The membership fees for British Amateur Gymnastics Association and London Gymnastics will not be pro-rated should you join part way through a membership year.

5. Other charges

You will have to pay other charges such as competition entries as and when appropriate.

6. Payment and recurring payments

Payments are made through “Classes for Kids” a month in advance. If you do not pay your Fees and other charges when due for payment, we will write to you, or send you an e-mail, to let you know.

If you do not pay the Fees, we may prevent you and/or your Child from participating in any Activity or Activities or other services that we provide.

7. Cancelling your Membership

We will not tolerate our staff or other members being verbally abused or intimidated or being physically threatened. If we find this to be the case, we have the right to report you to the police, to ban you immediately and permanently from  London Falcons Trampoline Club and to cancel your Membership.

We may also cancel your Membership in the following circumstances:

(1)                if you or your Child (as the case may be) breaks or repeatedly breaks this agreement or our rules and you do not or cannot put it right within seven (7) days of us writing to you about it;

(2)                if you or your Child (as the case may be) uses rude or abusive language or behaves or threatens to behave in a violent or aggressive way at the Premises;

(3)                if we receive any complaint about your or your Child’s behaviour or if you or your Child persistently behaves inappropriately, or if we believe that you or your Child’s continued membership is not in the interests of other members of Kingston Trampoline Academy.

7. Booking onto an Activity

We may change our booking terms and conditions from time to time and we will tell you about any changes. Alternatively, you can ask us for a copy of the terms and conditions at any time to check if we have made any changes.

Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, we may have to cancel an Activity at short notice. In the event that we have to do this, we shall notify you as soon as possible that the Activity is going to be cancelled.

If we do cancel an Activity we will credit you with the fee for that session.

8. Child protection

We have a duty of care to safeguard all children who participate in our Activites from harm. All children have a right of protection and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.

We will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in our Activites through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines adopted by the British Amateur Gymnastics Association. If you have any serious welfare concerns during the time with us, you can e-mail one of our trained welfare officers at (TBA)

If you or your child are disabled and we are unable to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate you, we may refer you to British Amateur Gymnastics Association to help you.

9. Liability and your acknowledgment of risk

We do not accept liability for damage or loss to your property or that of your Child that may happen on the Premises or within the grounds of the Premises, other than liability which arises from our negligence or our failure to take reasonable care.

We do not accept liability for injury or death of any person that may happen on the Premises or within the grounds of the Premises, other than the liability which arises from our negligence or our failure to take reasonable care.

Nothing in these terms and conditions is meant to limit any rights you might have as a consumer.

You will be required to confirm that you or your Child is physically fit and healthy and that you acknowledge the risks involved in participating in an Activity by agreeing to our acknowledgement of risk form.

10.   Complaints

We are committed to making sure our members are satisfied with the service we provide, but we are realistic enough to know that things don’t go according to plan all the time. If you or your Child has a complaint, we want to know about it as soon as possible so that we may fully investigate it and sort the matter out.

If you have a complaint, you should first tell a member of staff at the Premises. If you are not satisfied with their response, you should contact us in writing at jump@london-falcons-trampoline.club

11. Data protection

We will deal with all information we hold about you in line with our privacy policy which you can get from our Website. If you want to know what information we hold about you, or you want us to correct any information we hold about you, the appropriate procedures are set out in our privacy policy.

12.            Photographs and videos

We may take photographs and video recordings of our Activities or other services that we provide, including (but not limited to) assessments, competitions, parties and special events, for our own internal use or for use in promotional, marketing or coaching purposes externally, including (but not limited to) for use on our social media channels.

You give us your permission to take photographs and/or videos of our Activites or other services, including of you and/or your Child (as the case may be) for these purposes.

13. General health and safety

As your and your Child’s health and safety is our main priority, to protect the safety of all members, you must pay particular attention to all signs relating to health and safety on the Premises. If you or your Child do not understand a notice or sign, please ask one of our team members.

Fire exits are clearly marked throughout the Premises. If there is a fire or you or your Child hear the fire alarm, you should make your way out of the Premises through the nearest possible exit.

If you or your Child suffer an accident or injury on the Premises, you must report it and the circumstances under which it happened to a member of our team immediately.

While you are at the Premises, we expect you to behave appropriately, respectfully and politely, and dress appropriately at all times. We can prevent you from entering the Premises or ask you to leave if we think that your behaviour or appearance is not suitable.

 To make sure you or your Child gets the most from every activity that you or your Child participates in in the safest possible way, you should always make sure that you or your Child warms up properly and takes time to cool down after the Activity. We oversee a warm up at the start of every Activity and we oversee a cool down at the end of every Activity. You and/or your Child (as the case may be) must arrive on time for each Activity, participate in the warm up, and must participate in the cool down at the end of every Activity. Failure to do so may result in harm or injury to you and/or your Child (as the case may be) for which we will not be responsible.

You or your Child should not take part in any physical activity that you or your Child may not be fit for. You are responsible for monitoring your own condition during physical activity and that of your Child.

You should tell us when you join about anything that is relevant to your or your Child’s physical condition. You should continue to keep this information up to date throughout your Membership.

You and your Child are responsible for monitoring your own physical condition. If you or your Child suffer any unusual symptoms, you must immediately stop the activity and tell a member of the coaching staff.

18.             Governing law

These terms and conditions are governed by English law.